Pros and Cons of Septic Tanks

Septic tanks are one of the most popular alternatives to sewer lines in the UK. They are commonly used in rural areas where it is not cost-effective to connect to the municipal water system. Septic tanks have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Here are some pros and cons of septic tanks:


  • Septic tanks provide a known, controlled and refined form of wastewater treatment at an off-the-grid location.
  • They are much more environmentally friendly than latrines since the wastewater is partially treated naturally.
  • Septic tanks require relatively little maintenance. They need to be pumped every two to five years to remove the accumulated solids.
  • Septic tanks allow you to use normal indoor plumbing like toilets and dishwashers.
  • Installing a septic tank is often cheaper than connecting a home to a sewer line half a mile away.
  • You retain the option to connect to the sewer line later if the local grid expands to include your home.
  • When you only use the septic system, you typically don’t have to pay municipal water fees.


  • Septic tanks fail when flooded. This may be because you have a water leak in your home flooding the drains and thus the septic tank with water. If there is outdoor flooding, it could push sewage into your home.
  • Septic tanks must be pumped to remove solid waste every two to six years depending on how fast solids accumulate in them.
  • If you smell sewage or see large wet spots above the septic tank field, it requires repairs.

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